IBM Cloud Experimental

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Creating and managing resources on Cloud is complex. Crafting a solution that meets security, compliance, and configuration standards can take days or weeks and involve highly complicated processes. What if the process was simplified and shortened? What does the next generation of Cloud look like? IBM Cloud Experimental not only guides users through the complex process, but it also challenges the industry standard of productive interfaces by enhancing the Cloud experience with moments of delight through expressive and productive features. Motion strengthens the user’s emotional connection with the platform, enhancing their understanding of how it works. From the smallest tile hover to the open canvas page transitions, the use of motion and micro-interactions progressively reveals layers of interactivity. IBM Cloud Experimental is more than just a design system. It is a working environment where people of all skill levels and industries can collaborate to create the best possible user experience. Cross-collaboration among Cloud Platform teams resulted in innovative ideas and future-facing designs to solve today’s problems. IBM Cloud professionals were invited to contribute their knowledge, thoughts, ideas, and opinions in order to create a product that truly benefits users. This experience instilled revolutionary change within this community. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Interaction and User Experience

Red Dot

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