Baden-Württemberg Stiftung Annual Report 2015

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The appearance of the 2015 annual report of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung is marked by a fascinating and contrasting design. As an independent and non-partisan foundation of the state of Baden-Württemberg, the organisation is one of the major operative foundations in Germany and committed to the fundamental values of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law). The report highlights the attitude, motivation and social mission of the foundation guided by the basic sentence “Human dignity is inviolable” as stated in Article 1 of the Basic Law. The report’s image section comes to life through the use of image and text collages. It examines the action of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung from an unusual perspective, these collages present individual interpretations of the core issue of “dignity” and provide impetus for the readers’ own thinking about the topic, thus inviting a more profound debate on the subject. The report section provides deliberate counterpoints in the form of engagingly written contributions as well as detailed illustrations and infographics.


The design of this annual report is fascinating last but not least thanks to its creative and versatile approach to the subjects of “picture” and “colour”. The report features many grandiose photos and illustrations, black-and-white photographs effectively enhanced by a neon orange colour and a typography that remains unobtrusive in all parts wherever illustrations dominate. Together with the dynamic grid, this contributes to the very well-balanced appearance of the entire design.

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