Promotional Posters

Book Club 01 – CENTER 2 CENTER

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This promotional project included creating the logo for CENTER 2 CENTER, an independent publishing project specialising in culture and arts. The logo refers to the architectural term “centre to centre”, a concept for measuring the distance from the centre of one component to that of another. The main visual motif comprises two graphical elements being linked by a line, an idea that was based on the definition of the phrase symbolising that the project links the centre of books with readers and other elements to bring them together. Allowing for two modes of display, the posters can not only be put up on the wall but also worn, a special feature that was achieved by textile-printing them on fabric. After the printing work, the human head section, coloured in yellow, was cut out and finished by sewing. As a result, the artwork, while acting as a traditional poster, also allows people to wear it, in a way that makes it look as if they are reading a book. In addition, the title lettering in the upper part was printed upside down so that it can be read correctly on the back when the poster is worn.


Nowadays, where much is talked about the death of printed products, this work is proof that there is still a lot of creative potential in this area. The fact that the medium of the poster is not used in the traditional way but instead is printed on fabric so that it can be worn like clothing is entirely novel and an outstanding idea. It attracts attention, surprises with refined humour and makes the wearer become part of the message expressed: a reader who perceives the products of the client.

Red Dot: Grand Prix

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