Chroma Flow

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Chroma Flow is a single-use liquid chromatography system that improves efficiency in biopharmaceutical manufacturing for small to medium-sized batches. It makes better use of precious clean-room space through its tall and slim design, and setup times are reduced by consolidating the single-use flow kit into one flow block that only takes a few seconds to install. Chroma Flow represents a new, adaptable approach to the chromatography workflow that focuses on friendly and intuitive human-machine interactions. The approachable architecture is logically structured according to the flow path of the liquid and allows the user to see all installed components at a glance. Because the main points of interaction are all in the front, it allows for more compact arrangements of multiple machines. Aesthetically, the goal was to create a product expression suitable for highly demanding cleanroom manufacturing environments. The carefully curated materials and finishes evoke a sense of precision, clarity, and durability while challenging the conventional aesthetics of bioprocessing equipment. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Tools and Robotics

Red Dot

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