Out-of-Home & Ambient

Closed for Inventory

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Every year in June, the Berliner Philharmoniker orchestra takes a summer break before the new season starts in September. The aim is to use this break for an eye-catching campaign that promotes the new season. This time the concept, which is new for the music world, declared the summer break as a time for doing what other businesses do when they close for a long time: close for inventory. Therefore, everything in the Berlin Philharmonie concert hall – from the musicians and their instruments to objects like chairs and music folders – was extensively photographed and presented in systematic or only partial row arrangements, just like items on an inventory list. As even the most mundane objects are thus pictured as works of art, the campaign underlined the outstanding character of the orchestra. The variety of posters created an eye-catching effect in the city of Berlin and gave an ideal prelude for one of the most successful concert seasons of the Berliner Philharmoniker.


The campaign for the Berliner Philharmoniker, one of the best and most renowned orchestras in the world, succeeds in meeting this expectation of highest quality on an equally outstanding level. Not only is the idea of declaring the summer break as a time for inventory ingenious. The implementation with a clear and exact arrangement of inventory, orchestra members and instruments, which thus appear even more sublime, also reflects the tremendous precision of how the orchestra presents music.

Red Dot: Grand Prix

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