Reusable Coffee Capsule for Nespresso®


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Nespresso machine coffee has become part of an international lifestyle. It is easy to make and offers consistently good quality flavour. However, the estimated and still rising number of coffee capsules used annually amounts to no less than eight billion, placing an enormous burden on the environment. Against this backdrop, the reusable coffee capsule for Nespresso offers the possibility to enjoy this type of coffee without such grave ecological consequences. The capsule is made of high-quality medical stainless steel that makes it extremely durable and keeps aluminium particles or other unhealthy pollutants from entering the body. Consistently designed and self-explanatory, it is easy to open, fill with coffee and close again. Since the capsule was constructed in three parts that are screwed together, it can be shipped ecologically in a small envelope. An additional, huge benefit of this coffee capsule is that users can fill it with any coffee they like including fair trade coffee, and thus continue using their capsule machine without limitation. The principle of ecologically sound coffee making is thus complemented by a high degree of individuality. The capsule incorporates an engaging design that delivers a poignantly logical and functional solution for a serious ecological issue.


The reusable coffee capsule for Nespresso represents an outstanding product and long-awaited solution, particularly when considering the mountains of garbage caused by this approach toward coffee making. Consisting of three parts that are screwed together, it is functional and can easily be refilled time and again with coffee of any type – users will get the same coffee quality as before. Furthermore, the capsule is made of medical stainless steel that makes it durable and leaves no particle residue.

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