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SPLIT is the lantern reimagined. Inspired by trees and foliage, its earth-tone colour palette brings the outdoors inside the home. The lantern’s simple, honest form dispenses with ornamentation, using contrast to celebrate the pieces it comprises. The lamp can both diffuse and focus light. When needed, it also provides these functions as a portable lantern always locatable at its home base. A magnetic connection holding the fixture in place on the cantilever arm serves as the induction charging system, while also providing a satisfying tactile experience. When on its base, the lamp is meant to inhabit places in the home where it will be seen in passing. It also serves as a constant memento of past adventures—its easily detachable nature encourages its use in situations that call for a quick portable light. A gracefully curved rear-cantilevered arm acts as a coat hook, giving the base a purpose and visual interest when the lantern is not attached. The SPLIT Lamp is an aesthetically pleasing addition to the household with its clever yet tasteful functionality—the complementary use of which is not immediately evident, but rather a joy to discover. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Illumination

Red Dot

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