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New possibilities

Since prams play a pivotal role in parent mobility, they should reflect the needs of both children and parents. Against this backdrop, the design of the Versatrax pushchair realises the concept of a full-featured pram. Based on a modularity that is perfectly adapted to life with children, it offers four different, easy-to-set modes as well as a quick and compact fold. It is compatible with both a carry cot and infant carrier, while the sports seat can be turned as needed, either rearward facing the parents or forward later to allow infants a view of the world. Thanks to a cleverly designed folding mechanism, this pushchair can be folded quickly and intuitively, regardless of the seat facing rearward or forward. To do so, users simply have to lower the seat back and pull up on a strap, making the pushchair fold into a neat, freestanding package with automatic locking. The pram is equipped with durable foam-filled tires to ensure smooth rides for the little ones, while the telescopic height-adjustable handle also ensures that parents can enjoy a comfortable stroll. The reclining sports seat can be folded completely flat and, together with a multi-position leg rest and a particularly large, expandable hood with a peekaboo window and mesh side panels, creates a cocooned area for sleeping babies. Single front swivel wheels, a practical single-touch brake and an outstandingly large shopping basket complement the package.


The Versatrax pushchair offers a versatile functionality that meets all scenarios of living with children. It convinces with a well-balanced overall design that allows easy folding up. Its intuitive comfort goes hand in hand with the use of high-quality materials and consistently integrated accessories. Adding to the beauty of it, this pushchair is highly robust after all, yet also imparts a sense of lightness.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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