Alien-looking, large-scale sculp-tures from the palace of Tell Halaf and their extraordinary history are the subject of this exhibition, which is composed of 11 individual chapters. The exhibition details, in an impressive and didactically clear manner, how, with the discovery after 3,000 years, the drama of their destruction and resurrection began. The sculptures seemed to have been definitely destructed in Berlin in 1943, but finally, they could be restored from 27,000 fragments.
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Design: neumann schneider architekten, Berlin
creative direction:
Moritz Schneider, Tobias Neumann
graphic design:
Marlen Hähle, Nora Tanner
motion design:
Eva-Maria Heinrich
Anne Binder, Christian Lemmer, Max Wasserkampf, Marie Märgner, Thórdis Jónsdóttir