GSK is one of the world’s leading research-oriented pharmaceutical and healthcare companies – with an emphasis on the development of innovative pharmaceuticals to improve quality of life. The objective of this online annual report is to translate the strategy of the company, “Grow, Deliver, Simplify”, into an appealing interactive format that communicates the company’s business and social progress with a coherent and engaging approach. The result is the “The World of GSK” interface, a lively and colourful site explaining the individual company branches through objects and icons relating to specific business stories – and which, when clicked on, start moving. The health drinks, for example, stand for investment in healthcare, while a couple with an infant, presented in realistic graphics, highlights GSK’s focus on the patient. The latter is substantiated in the next step with case studies, films, interviews, facts and slide shows. The website is backed up by a printed and online reporting suite and conveys the strategy of the company in a highly illustrative and convincing manner.
Statement by the jury
»This online annual report is one of the rare examples of a truly virtual application. The possibilities residing in the combination of multimedia elements, including films, anima-
tion, links and text, were realised with a professional, congenial approach as befits the topic. Only thus is it possible to ensure that content is read and understood – and it goes to show that, indeed, ‘more is more’.«