The magazine komma is issued by the design faculty of the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim. Based on a diploma thesis and intended as the mouthpiece of the student body, it presents select works by the individual departments, combined with interviews and reports. Issue No. 7, which focuses on the topic of perception, features a picture drawn by an orang-utan on the cover. Inside the magazine, student works provide interesting insight into their creative lives.The magazine is sent out to advertising agencies, design bureaus, publishing houses, magazines and companies.
Hochschule Mannheim / University of Applied Sciences Mannheim
komma Redaktion, Hochschule Mannheim / University of Applied Sciences Mannheim
Peter von Freyhold
editorial staff:
Alexandra Strömich, Markus Köninger, Julian Bender, Carolin Wanitzek, Henning Schmidt, Martina Wagner, Ricarda Schmitt, Michael Löchinger, Alexander Münch (Photos), Mircea W. Gutu (Photos)