The annual report 2010 by Kuoni was issued in the form of a newspaper with three clearly defined sections, held together by an elegant-looking linen wrapper. The financial and
market report sections feature a clear and straightforward layout that focuses on facts to inform readers about the company’s financial and business development, as well as important news. The brand report section provides insights into Kuoni’s intellectual exploration of the culture of travel through large photographs from around the world and text contributions from authors such as Orhan Pamuk, Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Roger Willemsen. The newspaper feuilleton-style was chosen for this multifaceted exploration because traditionally feuilletons feature lighter and more diverse content.
Statement by the jury
»This annual report is published in a form that is both a newspaper and a business report brochure at the same time, an unusual form of presentation that triggers curiosity and
attention. What is special about it is the classic and meticulous design on the one hand,
and the innovative approach to convey the message in the almost casual format of a newspaper on the other. A convincing concept that gets information across, separated
clearly into business facts and an entertainment section.«
Kuoni Travel Holding Ltd.
Wolfgang Scheppe
chief branding & marketing officer:
Remo Masala, Kuoni
creative direction:
Wolfgang Scheppe
art direction:
Stephan Beisser, Büroecco; Marie Letz
Remo Masala, Kuoni; Thomas Steinfeld, Wolfgang Scheppe