With its clear design, this touch-based human machine interface for packaging machines is a man-machine interface for 12 technologies, 36 machine types and 3 monitor sizes. With a focus on intuitive operability, the user is given a comprehensive overview of the various functional, easily accessible units. Also fostering clarity is the illustration of the machine-module functions as pictograms along with the linear display of the machines. The interface can be utilised individually via widgets.
Markus Buberl, TRIEBWERK; Christian Rudolph, designbüro rudolph; Tom Cadera, CaderaDesign <br>[<a href="http://www.hmi-project.com/" target="_blank">home</a>]
graphic design:
Markus Buberl, TRIEBWERK; Christian Rudolph, designbüro rudolph; Florian Fuchs, CaderaDesign
project management:
Stefan Röder, Achim Schreck, GTI control <br>[<a href="http://www.gti-control.de/" target="_blank">home</a>]