This documentation presents an authentic look behind the glamorous scenes of the Berlin Fashionweek. Models without make-up, garbage in the foyer, empty seats, exuberance and exhaustion after the show – these emphatic moments illustrate how much work and strain is behind the perfect surface of a fashion show. All photographs were taken with tiny rangefinder cameras and developed using analogue processes. The high-quality ma-terials and a clear design lend the book the appeal of a timeless fashion accessory.
Joern Toellner Design, Berlin
creative direction/concept:
Marc Schuhmann, Joern Toellner
art direction:
Joern Toellner
Jan Joswig, Susanne Kaloff, Bjoern Luedtke, Campbell McDougall, Hili Perlson, Turid Reinicke
Marc Schuhmann, Karsten Friemel, James Gregory Atkinson, Chloé Richard