Trade show and information booth used by the Federal Chamber of German Architects (BAK) and the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) at the EXPO REAL 2010
The idea for the trade show booth of the Federal Chamber of German Architects (BAK) and the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) was to create a simple but nonetheless sophisticated structure built from cost-effective materials. The money saved could instead be used to fund a series of lectures on sustainable building methods to be held in the booth itself. The characteristic grandstand that divides the booth into two separate areas allows parallel usage: the presentation area on top uses seating on the steps and the outer wall to create an auditorium while the lower part offers space to meet and talk undisturbed.
BAK Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V., Berlin; DGNB Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V., Stuttgart