The poster series for Jade Rattan Ware, a traditional furniture house in Hong Kong, is targeted towards the generation born in the 1980s and 1990s, as they are about to furnish their very first flats. The design concept picks up on the fact that especially this new young generation wants to be unique, and combines it with the company’s service of providing tailor-made products to fulfil individual needs. The poster campaign puts individuality centre stage by featuring a fashion model dressed in extravagant clothes made of rattan. These extravagant creations demand a high degree of attention and, at the same time, manage to give the long-established company a refreshing image that attracts the younger generation. All the outfits in the posters are inspired by different furniture and thus imply that the company is capable not only of creating interesting fashion, but also of lending the home a unique style.
Statement by the jury
»This furniture company, which is little known among young people, managed to create a series of well-conceived posters that increases customer awareness of the brand. Featuring photographs of a fashion model wearing clothes made of rattan, these posters generate a highly distinct and remarkable brand image. The poster designs are particularly convincing through their excellent craftsmanship in all aspects, from the styling and the photographs to the overall composition and the colours.«
Jade Rattan Ware, Hong Kong university The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong supervising professor Francis Hung