As part of its 50th anniversary, edding initiated an interactive live-drawing-board that invites all users to get creative and leave their mark by using any of ten available markers. Within the first six months, the board grew into a unique collaborative piece of art, consist-ing of over 150,000 individual drawings by both illustrators and other Internet users from over 150 countries. What edding markers are capable of and what makes them stand out is revealed best when they are used. Based on this claim, the Wall of Fame thus invites users to literally get their own idea of the markers by allowing them to draw, illustrate or write with them, and thus contribute to the ever changing and growing work of art. To encounter other people with such a pen, paint with them or against them – this is what the website facilitates, for instance by showing who is using which marker. It thus presents a unique platform for creative people worldwide, allowing them to experience the quality of the edding brand without the need of any explanatory words.
Statement by the jury
»This website distinguishes itself through an unusual interactive presentation. The online version of a graffiti wall translates crowdsourcing into an image-shaping communication concept: the contributions by users are crucial for the look of the website, which due to an intelligent web tool creates a high fun factor.«
edding International GmbH, Ahrensburg
kempertrautmann gmbh, Hamburg
creative direction:
Simon Jasper Philipp, Christoph Gähwiler, Stefan Walz, Gerrit Zinke, Christian Fritsche
art direction:
Simon Jasper Philipp, Stefan Walz, Florian Schimmer
customer advisory service:
Niklas Kruchten, Elisabeth Einhaus, Andrea Bison, Dorothea Feurer (Freelancer)
production / programming / technical installation: