annual reports
Woonpunt Annual Report 2010

The annual report of the Woonpunt housing corporation aims to visually express that an organisation standing at the centre of society will take action if it is no longer able to do its work well, but yet, as in this case, wants to continue offering its tenants a pleasant living environment in the future. In order to emphasise that corporations came under pressure, due to a new legislation passed by the Dutch government and the European Union in 2010, Woonpunt is presented as an activist. However, this goes further than just “yelling boo”; rather, Woonpunt is shown as an organisation that tackles issues and finds solutions.The report consists of ten printed sheets that unfold and, on one side, feature action-based messages, such as “Excuse me. What are we actually doing?” and “Enough = Enough”, so to speak, messages with the appeal of a demonstration poster. The other side of the page features the past year in vivid and personal photo series, while the business figures are presented in clearly arranged lists.
Statement by the jury
»The annual report manages to communicate its message – the opposition against the current legislation as well as the commitment to assist the tenants of this corporation – in a convincing and authentic manner. Realised in the form of loose printed sheets and featuring a distinctive design, the report turns into a decisive statement.«
Client:Woonpunt, Maastricht
Design:Zuiderlicht, Maastricht
art direction:Melianthe Wouters, Zuiderlicht
concept:Eline Dekker, Zuiderlicht
text:Eline Dekker, Zuiderlicht
photography:Philip Driessen
illustration:Melianthe Wouters, Zuiderlicht
printing:Pascal Walters, Drukkerij Walters