Dice Game

Cocodice – Corner Contact Game System

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Cocodice, short for Corner Contact Dice, is a game for both large and small children aged five and up. It poses different challenges for each age group: for younger children, Cocodice is a spatial game, training depth perception and sense of touch, while for older children it presents combinatory, mathematical and geometric tasks that are fun and also encourage logical thinking. Integrated magnets ensure that the individual dice hold together and can be interlinked, with black holding to white and white to black. Connections are thus created that do without mechanics while arousing curiosity. Cocodice furthermore represents a reinterpretation of traditional games like Domino, Jenga and the legendary Rubik’s Cube. Markings that can be felt with fingers allow even blind people to play with Cocodice – added value that fosters respect for one another within society.

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