
Darmstadt | Texte | Typen

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The 60 pages of the book “Darmstadt | Texte | Typen” compile quotations referring to Darmstadt by people from different periods and professions: covering dukes, revolutionaries, poets and philosophers from 1330 up to the present, the book has emerged as an entertaining stroll through the cultural history of Darmstadt, as well as the craft of papermaking and book printing. From Goethe to Arno Schmidt, whose malediction, “Rather dead in the heath as alive in Darmstadt.”, is printed in poisonous violet and green-grey font across four bulky lines, and from Georg Büchner to grand duke Ernst Ludwig, Joachim Ringelnatz and Luigi Nono, up to Gabriele Wohmann and the leftist party Uffbasse, the book unites both solemn and provocative statements about this art nouveau town. Showcasing block book binding and typesetting of wooden and leaden characters, this publication both formally and in terms of design celebrates classic analogue printing techniques, as well as the use of a typography that reflects the spirit of the quotations and turns leafing through the book into an inspiring pleasure.


This book represents a congenial symbiosis of the town of Darmstadt with traditional printing techniques and craftsmanship: the use of wooden and leaden manual typesetting, different types of paper as well as fonts have made this enormously elaborate and lovingly crafted book emerge as an aesthetic and sensuously pleasing, unique printed work that makes the individual quotations stand out with expressive visualisations.

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