Jackery AIR-W

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Jackery AIR-W is a compact, lightweight, packable and portable wind power generation accessory with two motors, which allows for more outdoor energy storage and power consumption options. Jackery AIR-W is a packable, portable wind power generation accessory with 200W of power and a net weight of less than 5 kilograms. This product can convert easily available wind energy into electric energy at anytime and anywhere to provide a continuous power supply for all kinds of energy storage. The dual-motor design increases output power while reducing dependence on climate. The upper and lower fan blades are staggered to minimise height. The tripod has a built-in foldable post that effectively reinforces the equipment when in use to avoid dumping caused by strong winds. Multi-unit parallel output is also supported. As compared to traditional wind power generation equipment, Jackery AIR-W can adapt to a broader range of application scenarios and provide a new design orientation for the micro- miniaturisation and portability of wind power generation equipment.

 Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Energy and Electrification

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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