Sound Stories

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Sound Stories is a storytelling tool and an authentic bedtime bonding experience that focuses on strengthening parent-child relationships. It includes digital elements to provide endless creativity possibilities and a magical journey from the start of storytelling till the child falls asleep. To develop Sound Stories, the components of storytelling are broken down and divided into basic themes, environment, characters, objects and activities. The linear design flow assists the users in building an imaginative world by providing structure while allowing them to use their own creativity. Sound Stories consists of a dial and character cubes with a built-in speaker. Parent and child will first rotate the dial to choose from a range of nature sounds that sets the atmosphere for the story. After which, they choose a character cube and place it into the slot, triggering a character sound. From here on, parent and child can begin narrating stories with these sounds in the background. When story time is over, a timer can be set for the cube sounds to fade out slowly, leaving only the ambient nature sounds that will lull the child into deep sleep. Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Childhood

Red Dot

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