Art Posters

Taiwan Old Street and Chinese Characters

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This poster series aims at promoting the Taiwanese city of Lukang by linking the tight web of historic streets with traditional Chinese characters and turning them into graphic motifs in calligraphy style. For these purposes, a number of picturesque streets were chosen, including Half-Sided Well, Nine-Turns Lane and Shih-Yih Hall, as they are characterised by red brick constructions. However, this is taken up only in terms of form and not colour in the posters, which are kept in classic black-and-white. Each composition created out of the architectural element in combination with traditional Chinese characters acquires a new meaning, such as the combination of “nine” and “turn”. In addition, the posters combine the legacy of Chinese history – that is, centuries-old sights and traditional characters – in an aesthetically selfsufficient way to arouse visitor interest in the city and its historical attractions.


The idea behind this poster series, which combines the graphic history of significant historic streets with a traditional Chinese character so that they create a new meaning together, has been excellently implemented. Against a reduced black-and-white background, they have emerged as striking images that pique the viewer’s curiosity to explore them further, especially the old town of Lukang with its exciting history.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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