Brand Design

Body Playground

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“Body Playground” is a game-based branding for sex education that encourages people to learn about their own bodies and explore them in new ways. It aims to break a taboo that is prevalent particularly in South Korea, namely the sexual exploration of one’s body. The work offers a platform for several workshops and various play-based products: meditation to stimulate the five senses, games that involve physical activities, and a diary that allows users to learn more about themselves. In line with the playful approach, the appearance is defined by a naive style in bright colours that approaches the topic with humour and a sense of lightness. The products include an instruction manual for the workshops, a magazine for workshop updates as well as sticker sets. The stickers, whose abstract, curved shapes in different colours resemble body parts, allow users to create their own collages and stick them onto the cover of the manual.

Begründung der Jury

“Body Playground” fascinates with a refreshing and friendly style with which it implements the theme of the sexual exploration of one’s own body. It is through original ideas, such as playfully dealing with the topic in the form of stickers as well as fantastic illustrations that visually possess an entirely independent character, that the brand design piques curiosity and arouses interest for an otherwise quite delicate subject.

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