Typographic Orientation System
The New House of Communication

The new House of Communication of Serviceplan Group gives employees from a wide range of cultures, nations and communication disciplines common home and is an open meeting place for conferences events and parties.
Client:SERVICEPLAN GROUP SE & Co. KG, Munich, Germany
Design:SERVICEPLAN GERMANY, Munich, Germany büro uebele visuelle kommunikation, Stuttgart, Germany Saint Elmo’s Germany, Munich, Germany
Project Team:SERVICEPLAN GROUP: Alex Schill (Global Chief Creative Officer) Till Diestel (German Chief Creative Officer) Axel Schörner (Head of Corporate Real Estate Management)
Saint Elmo’s Germany: Matthias Harbeck (Chief Creative Officer)
SERVICEPLAN GERMANY: Christian Sommer (Managing Partner) Benjamin Hug (Head of Design) Lucien Kazuko Yokoe (Creative Director Copy) Michael Bakman (Creative Direction) Jörg Schmitt (Head of Design)
büro uebele visuelle kommunikation: Anika Pehl (Project Management/Head of Design) Lorenz Grohmann (Design) Andreas Uebele (Chief Creative Officer) Carolin Himmel (Managing Partner) Anna Pfältzer (Designer) Nadja Ratz (Project Manager/Head of Design)
Hannes Böhringer (Word Livingrooms)
Shiwen Sven Wang (Pictograms)
nice to type: Gabriel Richter (Typeface)