Institutions & Universities

Communicate your excellent curriculum

The Red Dot is a recognised international seal for design excellence. Winning a Red Dot with the design research of your faculty or students highlight these excellent works to the world, and attest to the excellent curriculum of the institution.

Credible publication of research

Winning a Red Dot entitles the design research to be published in a credible and respected medium. Winning design concepts are published in the annual yearbook, an iPad Apple app, an exhibition at the Red Dot Design Museum Singapore, online exhibition on the award’s website and travelling exhibitions. The combined reach of all these platforms reach out to more an audience of than 250,000 over a year.

Gain media attention

With a long illustrious reputation as the authority on good design, Red Dot often serves as the media's reference for features on the latest design trends and noteworthy companies.  Winning a Red Dot gives the university, faculty and students a strong advantage in attracting media attention.

Rank at the top

The Red Dot Design Ranking for design concepts records wins over 5 years to compute the rank for the top universities from two regions, Europe and the Americas and the Asia Pacific. Being ranked communicates your consistent outstanding accomplishments in providing a strong foundation for future designers.
