Communication design award honours annual report with Red Dot: Grand Prix
In 2015, the German agency Strichpunkt Design was honoured with the Red Dot: Grand Prix for the annual report “(in)visible – Trumpf Annual Report 2013/2014” of the company Trumpf. In addition to machine tools, the high-tech enterprise produces laser and electronics systems for industrial applications. In advance view of the “International Year of Light 2015”, proclaimed by the United Nations, the annual report 2013/2014 was devoted to the topic.
High-quality paper and printing techniques document quality of the company
The result was a report that makes the invisible visible and the unimaginable imaginable: Following an innovative storytelling approach, each chapter opens with an adjective and its antonym, such as (in)conceivable, (un)attainable and (in)finite. The content is visualised through detailed graphics, an impressive series of photographs taken at night, full-page coloured backgrounds, the use of different typefaces, embossings and even Braille. This makes the annual report a reading experience. The high-quality paper and elaborate printing techniques document the excellence of the company. In addition to the creative process, the experts of the Red Dot jury praised the clever concept: “The overarching idea, to make a highly technologically oriented company accessible by lending it a human touch, works outstandingly well thanks to the well-researched and sophisticated approach towards the theme of light.”
Call for entries for communication design award
From corporate design to apps or retail design – creative communication solutions of the international design industry are wanted for the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016. Communication designers, marketing experts and young talents from around the world are invited to submit their outstanding projects and campaigns to the competition. Besides the featured work in the field “Annual Reports” the participants can demonstrate their talent in 20 additional categories. The regular registration phase runs until 12 May 2016. The Latercomer registration is the last possibility to take part in the competition. It ends on 10 June 2016.
» Further information on the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016