
Design and materials as drivers of innovation: conferences in Cologne and Essen, Germany

Design is an investment and the driving force for economic growth and value creation. Based on that fact, design has become an essential concept with which companies stand out from their competitors. In October and November 2015, two conferences are dedicated to the advantages of good design and the role of innovative materials and processes.

The "Adobe Design Advantage Forum" focuses on the relevance and perspectives of design within companies on 28 October 2015 in the venue “Vulkanhalle” in Cologne, Germany. For this purpose, numerous practical examples will be presented and experts such as design researcher Paolo Tumminelli and journalist Gunter Dueck will be holding a speech. Besides inspiring keynotes, useful information and practical tips for networked creative workflows and the design of digital experiences on mobile devices will also be on display.

The software company Adobe is the exclusive sponsor of the Red Dot: Junior Prize 2015, which is awarded by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westafeln within the Red Dot Award: Communication Design. The world's leading provider of creative solutions supports the Red Dot Award in facilitating young creatives with an easy entry into the professional world and convincing potential clients as early as possible with their skills.

On 18 November 2015, the conference "Smart Materials for future Design" in the Red Dot Design Museum Essen, Germany, is dedicated to the foundations for innovative design achievements: materials and technologies. Because only these open up new fields of application for designers and manufacturers, thus contributing to a better quality of life in terms of elaborate products.

15 speakers will introduce the role of innovative materials and processes, the impact of biobased materials and lightweight design for shaping as well as the potentials of additive manufacturing. Among the keynote speakers are the Red Dot jury members and material experts Dr. Sascha Peters and Martin Beeh. In his speech “Design + Material = Innovation”, he will discuss the success factors of good industrial design and the significant role of the choice and redevelopment of new materials and processes. Furthermore, Dr. Sascha Peters provides a trend show of the most exciting material developments in recent months in his lecture "Biobased and sustainable material solutions for smart design”.

» Conference “Smart Materials for future Design" 
» Adobe Design Advantage Forum