
Munich Creative Business Week: Red Dot presents “Formosa Forms” exhibition

At the end of February, the Munich Creative Business Week will turn the Bavarian capital into a creative venue for international designers and companies. In the exhibition “Formosa Forms”, the Red Dot Design Museum Essen, Germany, will present innovative product and communication designs which document contemporary Taiwanese design developments.

The vernissage of the exhibition, which was commissioned by the Taiwan Design Center, will take place at the Alte Kongresshalle München on 24 February 2015, 11 p.m. In his welcome address, Wen-long Chen, CEO Taiwan Design Center, Taipei, will open the exhibition along with Dr. Silke Claus, CEO bayern design, and Vito Oražem, Managing Director Design Zentrum NRW. The opening provides an inspiring setting for networking and exchange on the latest design developments in the different industries.

Until 1 March 2015, visitors can discover about 100 elaborate exhibits which underline both the contrast and the symbiosis of tradition and modernity in Taiwanese design. All of the objects were decorated with the Red Dot and/or the Golden Pin Design Award.

“Formosa Forms – Design trends in technology and lifestyle from Taiwan”
Duration of the exhibition:
24 February – 1 March 2015

24 February 2015, 11 a.m.
» Register for the opening

Alte Kongresshalle München
Theresienhöhe 15
80339 München

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