
Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2016 opens up new possibilities for designers

In 2016 for the first time, this year‘s participants can submit their works to the Red Dot Award: Design Concept in two categories. The classification into “Design Concepts” and “Ready To Launch” gives design studios and companies the opportunity to participate both with futuristic visions and already marketable designs. The competition evaluates good design before it becomes a product and is thus an important platform for design concepts and prototypes.

New categories focus on future and present of products

In the future, the submitted entries are categorised into the groups “Design Concepts” and “Ready To Launch”. The need to separate the entries into these two broad groups is important as they require very different attention from the jury. One group of entries focuses on the future and is known as “Design Concepts". They are highly innovative and look two, five or more years into the future. The realisation of these concepts require more time, further refinement, maturity of advanced technology and materials, and even a change of the consumers’ mindset. The other group of entries is grounded in the present, with working prototypes, that are ready to be produced for the market within the next few months to a year. This group of ready, new products is known as “Ready To Launch”.

A platform for design concepts and prototypes

In 2005, the Red Dot Award: Design Concept was initiated to fill a gap in the product design world. At the time, there was no international design award focusing on just concepts. Companies had to wait for a concept to be fully developed and available on the market before it could be submitted and evaluated for a competition. Also designers who have brilliant ideas lacked an internationally credible platform to showcase their design and gain the attention of manufacturers and investors. The Red Dot Award: Design Concept is a platform for design studios, companies, universities, research laboratories, inventors, students as well as professionals that evaluates good design in the stages of becoming a product.

Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2016 – Dates

Registration periods
Standard submission: until 23 March 2016
Late submission: 24 March - 18 May 2016

Judging: June 2016
Awarding ceremony: 22 September 2016
Exhibition of the winning products from 23 September 2016