
The Red Dot: Luminary – inspiration for other designers

The regular submission phase of the Red Dot Award: Design Concept is well under way. Until 21 March 2018, designers, companies and universities are called upon to hand in their concepts and prototypes at regular rate. There are four types of distinctions: the “Honourable Mention”, the “Red Dot”, the “Red Dot: Best of the Best” and the “Red Dot: Luminary”. The last one stands out from all the other distinctions and is the highest achievement in the competition. It goes to the concept among the Red Dot: Best of the Best winners that has the potential to inspire other designers. Considering the awarded concepts and prototypes of past years, it becomes clear that each of them is unique and forward-looking.  

Nest – Rehoming Spent Laying Hens, 2013
In 2013, Nest – Rehoming Spent Laying Hens, a contemporary hen house and at the same time a supporting care system designed to encourage people living in populated areas in New Zealand to keep former laying hens as domestic pets, received the Red Dot: Luminary. “[This concept] deserves the Red Dot: Luminary, because it is not about profit, it is about life and sustainability”, said jury member Rajesh Nandan.

Copenhagen Wheel, 2014
Copenhagen Wheel of Superpedestrians received the highest achievement of the competition in 2014. The bike has a special feature: If one wants to transform it into an electric bike, the rear wheel can easily be replaced. The feature also convinced Prof. Lu Xiaobo: “I felt that this characteristic gives [the bike] a very intelligent and well-thought out design which is why it deserved a Red Dot: Luminary.”

Boostrac, 2015
The concept which was awarded in 2015 reacts to the problem of desertification, one of the effects of global warming. The tire Boostrac provides optimal performance in general and desert living conditions. “This tire is a conceptual project that, with a certain level of technical expertise, demonstrates new possibilities that design could achieve”, acknowledged Red Dot juror Patrick Chia.

Google Self-Driving Car, 2016
The Google Self Driving Car, the winner of the Red Dot: Luminary in 2016, drives autonomously without human intervention. Just the push of a button lets it drive. “[The car] is changing what we now understand as mobility and is shifting the paradigms in the automotive industry by integrating technology, design and innovation in order to improve the daily life of human beings”, said Carlos Hinrichsen about the prototype.

Halo City, 2017
Halo City, an electric and foldable scooter which allows users to travel effortlessly to and away from bus or subway stations, received the Red Dot: Luminary in the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017. “We have seen a lot of ideas in the past few years, but here we seem to experience a next-level-solution”, explained Red Dot juror Professor Lutz Fügener. He goes on to say: “Almost all problems resulting from the challenging compromise between usability, simplicity, aesthetics and attractiveness have been solved. This ‘all-of-a-piece’ product surprisingly communicates self-awareness and highest usability in all details – from folding to riding.”

The Red Dot Jury of the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2018 is already looking forward to assess this year’s submissions. Which of the concepts and prototypes is being awarded a Red Dot: Luminary remains to be seen.

Submission phases for the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2018

Early: until 31 January 2018
Standard: 1 February – 21 March 2018
Late: 22 March – 16 May 2018

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