
“¡Viva el Diseño!”: exhibition of Spanish designs in the Red Dot Design Museum Essen only until 28 February

Spanish design is world-renowned for its creativity and innovation potential. The country’s designers have demonstrated their ability notably in furniture and lighting design, as well as in the creation of buildings, squares and public spaces. Since roughly 20 years, more and more objects from Spain are entering the global competition “Red Dot Design Award”. Many of them are continuously getting awarded by the international Red Dot Jury. Only until 28 February 2016, a prize-winning selection is on show in the special exhibition “¡Viva el Diseño! Red Dot winners from Spain” in the Red Dot Design Museum in Essen/Germany.

The combination of traditionalism and modernism is characteristic of the country’s design style. This link to the arts and crafts is rooted in Spain’s history, as the late onset of industrialisation did not initially reach every part of the country. It was only around the beginning of the 20th century when mass production developed at the same as the Spanish interpretation of Art Nouveau, in the form of “Modernismo” that the country reached a turning point. After the end of the Franco dictatorship in 1975, the creative industries in Spain had the opportunity to pursue new perspectives. Contemporary design became a tool for giving the new democracy an identity. This was the start of a process of internationalisation in the course of which Spanish designers and manufacturers increasingly began to play a role on the global market.

The success of contemporary Spanish design in the worldwide recognised Red Dot Design Award is based on its great diversity of form, colour, materials and stylistic concepts. But it is also the ease with which it melds traditional and modern concepts to create a balanced whole and that has contributed to building its international reputation. The success of Spanish designers and manufacturers is also illustrated by the results of the Red Dot Award, one of the largest international design competitions: To date, 104 products by Spanish designers and manufacturers have won a prize in the Red Dot Award: Product Design. 31 works received a distinction in the Red Dot Award: Communication Design and 10 concepts and prototypes in the Red Dot Award: Design Concept.

The Red Dot Design Museum’s special exhibition shows a fascinating selection of these award-winning designs: In “¡Viva el Diseño!”, visitors will encounter flexible pieces of furniture, inspired by Spanish lifestyle, beautifully formed lighting, and designs for public spaces, which contribute to the way in which modern cities function. In addition, creative projects provide information on how people can skilfully communicate visually and visionary design concepts give a glimpse into the future.

“¡Viva el Diseño! Red Dot winners from Spain”
Until 28 February 2016

Special exhibition
» Further information on the exhibition

» Participation in the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2016 only until 10 February
» Participation in the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016 from 29 February
» Participation in the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2016 until 18 May