Lighting System

Alphabet of Light

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Signs are omnipresent in our everyday life. Just as letters are complementary to words, character systems too can have either a simple or complex meaning. Alphabet of Light is a modular system of lighting components that allows signs to be written, as well as straight and curved lines to be produced. Basic geometric elements are used to form letters and graphical signs that allow both expressing messages and modulating spaces. The components of this lighting system can be combined freely and link together thanks to a hidden electromagnetic connector that remains invisible, leaving no trace of shadow or discontinuity. Alphabet of Light generates uninterrupted and consistently homogenous light, with power carried from one module to the other end up to five metres away. A thin aluminium core contains two LED strips that emit light to the opposite sides. The calibration of the transmission values as well as the reflectiveness of the materials, combined with the geometry of the external and internal surfaces, ensure that light is evenly distributed without the light source being visible. Alphabet of Light emits pleasantly diffuse light with great efficiency thanks to the minimal absorbance of the materials. Following a strikingly new approach, the lighting system has emerged with a high sense of expressivity.

Statement by the Jury

Alphabet of Light uses technology in such a way that it takes on a completely different meaning in line with changes in the context. This fascinating lighting system is defined as a programme that can be used for communication purposes in private and public spaces, such as in a subway station. Functionally and formally perfectly matched to one another, only a few elements are needed to generate an attention-grabbing typography as well as other threedimensional objects.

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