MorphoSys Annual Report 2010
Antibodies for Life

MorphoSys, a specialist in human antibodies, has matured from a pure antibody platform enterprise into a biopharmaceutical company with a rich pipeline of future therapeutic antibody products. The annual report underlines this development, following for the first time a design approach that, instead of creating a technological look, puts the human body centre stage. The combination of scientific illustrations and a straight image language direct the attention to concrete case studies. The annual report is printed on a paper stock that feels pleasant and interesting to ouch, underlining the purist layout and human-based approach to design.
Client:Dr. Claudia Gutjahr-Löser, MorphoSys AG, Martinsried/Planegg
Design:3st kommunikation, Mainz
creative direction:Marcel Teine
art direction:Astrid Baumann