Client: Enel Italia S.p.a., Rome, Italy
Book Illustration
Das Kamasutram des Vatsyayana Mallanaga <br>The Kamasutram of Vatsyayana Mallanaga
The Kamasutra is one of the oldest and most famous standard works on human sexual behaviour. Much more than a series of illustrations and guide through all kinds of sexual positions, it is in fact also a story about a way of life, in which sexual behaviour plays a significant role. The text translation by German Indologist Johann Wilhelm Richard Schmidt is complemented by eye-catching illustrations projecting an abstract and humorous approach. They stand in strong contrast to traditional, often detailed visualisations of erotic classics and represent a modern, artful interpretation of this famous erotic book. Self-confident, cheeky and looking frozen as if caught out in action, the depicted strange Cyclops gaze at the reader and take away every chance of voyeurism. The minimalism of the graphics literally shows everything and nothing. In this way, the topic achieves an aesthetic that is both self-contained and expressive, interpreting the amorous play with laconic wit.
Statement by the Jury
The illustrations in this book represent a completely new way of visualising the Kamasutra. With their pictographic style, they diverge from traditional erotic illustrations and achieve an artistically abstract and, at the same time, unmistakably direct expression that is full of humour and a refreshing aesthetic.
Artwork:Florian Althans
Client:BROTLOS Verlag, Bremen, Germany
Design:BROTLOS Verlag, Bremen, Germany