This Electronic Ear Tag improve online surveillance in large pig farms and provide critical epidemic disease warning. It also provides intelligent agricultural management for farming-related operations. In comparison to existing RFID electronic ear tag, this innovative ear tag collects more complete and accurate data, has a lower chance of being lost, and has a longer usage cycle.
Traditional ear tags are typically attached to an animal's ear by piercing it. Moreover, traditional ear tags cannot achieve accurate digital monitoring. Even modern electronic ear tags cannot overcome the challenge of being easily broken or lost. As a result, this design effectively addresses the aforementioned issues and establishes an intelligent precedent for the future of farming. Not only does the in-ear attachment method reduce product loss, but the ear tag can also be recycled, extending the product’s life cycle.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Ready to Launch | Flora and Fauna
WuYu Industrial Design Co., Ltd., China
Design partner:
Chengdu Technological University, China
Design Lead:
Liu Cheng
Team Lead:
Wan LiBo
Dong Dian, Jia YanQin, Luo PengCheng, Tang BoKai, Wang DanPing