Client: Garmin Corporation, New Taipei City, Taiwan
Interactive Exhibit
Gebr. Heinemann 1879 – Flows of Goods
This interactive exhibit transfers analogue content to a contemporary context. Viewers can trace the flows of goods handled by the trading company on a virtual globe. The user interface of the specially programmed app is generated from data on quantities, ranges, sales areas, destinations or specific retail outlets. Thanks to an intuitive design, users can easily zoom in on or rotate the virtual globe by gesture control. Various filter and zoom factors concentrate or expand information, while certain fields can be displayed or hidden. Detailed presentations are illustrated with photographs.
Art Direction:Gábor Rein, Christian Schäfer, Designbüro Persch
Client:Gebr. Heinemann SE & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany
Design:Amir Rezaii Architects, Hamburg, Germany, Designbüro Persch, Hamburg, Germany
Creative Direction:Sonja Rezaii, Amir Rezaii Architects, Matthias Persch, Designbüro Persch
Editorial Work:Johannes Birkner, Designbüro Persch
Programming:Sebastian Lenz, Designbüro Persch
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