The story of this animated short film is set in the jungle, which is expressed in the strong, vibrant colours of the production design. This is contrasted with the black and white design of the flashbacks. The music also follows the jungle theme with the incorporation of drum rhythms and sounds such as birdsong, thus supporting the story effectively. The story is about a boy, who blames his father’s death on a bear and wants to kill the animal in revenge. When he realises that the bear is expecting cubs, he abandons his plan to kill the animal and chooses to respect the nature of life.
Client:Ming Chuan University, Department of Digital Media Design, Taoyuan County
Design:Ming Chuan University, Department of Digital Media Design, Taoyuan County
Supervising Professor:Chan Shih Chien
Post-Production/Lighting Design:Raymond Liaw Chong Earn
Graphic Design:Tan Fong Cu
Animation:Yeo Chin Phang
Film Editing:Jackson Goh Fang Hwa
Art Buying:Huang Wan Chen
Music/Sound Design:Lin Li Yang