HTWG Konstanz, Department of Architecture and Design., Konstanz, Germany
University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
Project Team:
HTWG Konstanz:
Students of Architecture (Concept and Realisation)
Students of Communication Design (Concept and Realisation)
Prof. Eberhard Schlag (Counselling of Architecture and Design Students)
University of Konstanz:
Students of History (Concept and Realisation)
Students of Computer Science (Concept and Realisation)
Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer (Counselling of Computer Science Students)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Diefenbach (Counselling of History Students)
Prof. Dr. Sven Reichardt (Counselling of History Students)
hfm Trossingen:
Students of Music Design (Concept and Realisation)
Prof. Florian Käppler (Counselling of Music Design Students)