The Reference Line Smart Bathtub & Mast collection was created to represent the purest expression of the American Standard’s values. The collection was designed with the end user in mind and provides an unfailing sanctuary for users.
The Smart Bathtub has a filler function that allows the user to pre-set the time, volume and temperature of the water. Lip contour along the outer edge keeps water from dripping. It has a smart leak prevention sensor that activates a filler shutoff to prevent overflow. The Mast can do it all: hold your bathrobe, carry your toiletries and clean the tub when you are done. The collection facilitates a number of tasks related to the bathing experience and delights the user with bathing enhancements.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Bathroom and Hygiene
LIXIL Global Design, United States
Design Lead:
Kibok Song
Christophe Bucher, Paul Flowers, Jean-Jacques L’Henaff, Jacob Nitz, Greg Reinecker