Peter Philippe Weiss
Peter Philippe Weiss is an international sound consultant, composer, sound artist, sound designer, producer, author and referee. He also lectures at various universities. In 1994, he founded Corporate Sound AG, the first communication agency specialising in acoustic brand staging that works for international clients in the fields of exhibitions, architecture, museums, events, electronic media and product design. Peter Philippe Weiss is also involved in artistic sound projects and, among others, in 2005 realised a sound installation in Basel, Switzerland, which created new rooms with highly realistic soundscapes in the already existing sound surrounding. In 2009, his “unterwelten” (underworlds) could be heard from the drains in the city of Basel, and, in 2015, he published the book “Wenn Design die Materie verlässt” (When design leaves matter).
Red Dot: What do you find fascinating about the work of a sound designer?
Peter Philippe Weiss: Design and design thinking are constantly evolving. As a designer one has to keep up with the times without ever losing one’s inner compass.
Where do you find inspiration for new sound ideas?
In films, in nature or in town when an electric transformer cabinet suddenly produces the hum of a wonderful chord.
What skills should a good sound designer have?
Good sound designers should be open and have a good feel for the context of the sound application. They should also not only work with prefabricated sounds but should experiment with sounds.