Houses, buildings, private, public, cultural, civic, refurbishment, re-built, others
Tree houses, mobile homes, space stations, underwater homes, capsules, intelligent homes, urban design, disaster rapid deployment housing, tents, marquees, low cost housing, bomb shelters, animal shelters, homeless shelters, enclosed areas, interior design, interior architecture, others
Public Space
Bridges, street lighting, roads, beaches, outdoor seating, street information signages, shelters, bus-stops, traffic systems, car parks, public parks, communal buildings, community infrastructure, free access spaces, others
Examples from past years' winners

Samoo Architects & Engineers,
Naver SPX Design Lab
South Korea

Wunderhaus Ltd
United Kingdom

Grupa Plus Architekci

Ursa Vrhunc

Narrative Architects
South Korea

School of Design, University of Montreal

Architectural Services Department (ArchSD)
Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)
Hong Kong, SAR

Dr. Nishi Takatoku

Guangzhou Bowerbird House Ltd

Pininfarina, United States
ACAI Associates, United States
TLC Engineering, United States