Red Dot: Luminary 2019 – Hidden Senses nominated for top accolade in the Red Dot Award: Design Concept
The design concept Hidden Senses, handed in the interaction category by Sony Corporation from Japan, has been nominated for the highest achievement at the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2019 – the Red Dot: Luminary. The top accolade serves as an inspiration to aspire towards. The design concept uses minimal visual graphic interfaces to give everyday life a calmer and more comfortable atmosphere. Via sensing, projection and other technologies, it triggers different sequences of interactions with familiar household objects. Red Dot talked with Sony’s Chief Art Director Hirotaka Tako.

What is the purpose of this project? What do you hope to achieve?
The purpose of this project is to explore new ways of interaction in your daily household. All the information you need blends into your daily behaviour and familiar objects. Minimal visual graphic interfaces help to make ordinary life calmer and more comfortable.
What are the challenges in your everyday work?
Cconnecting different projects, designers and ideas.
Will Hidden Senses influence the way of interaction for products by Sony in the future?
The Hidden Senses concept will influence the way of interaction for future Sony products, as project members have already put the essence of the concept in their daily work. There are different types of interactions according to time, place, and occasion and I think, the Hidden Senses concept will be adopted into the those that go well with the concept.
What is the role of design in an interaction project like Hidden Senses?
The main part is to design the concept or the future vision itself, and then realise it with engineers and designers with various expertise.
What do you see as the biggest challenges in your industry at present?
How to translate complicated smart technologies and create something that makes people happy.
Are there benefits of winning a design award?
Winning a design award for projects like Hidden Senses means a lot to us. We have won many design awards for products, but the award for the design concept is very rare and precious.
Do you have anything to say to aspiring award winners?
Never to give up designing concepts of future vision, whether or not it will become actual products. Trust yourself and keep designing new, innovative concepts.
Winners to be honoured during the awarding ceremony in Singapore
The Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2019 winners will be announced on the 25 September. The award-winning designers will travel from around the world to Singapore to receive their award on stage. The recipient of this year’s highest achievement in the award, the Red Dot: Luminary, will also be revealed on stage.