
Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017 – the “Standard” submission phase is open

The Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017 offers designers, companies and universities from all over the world the opportunity to enter their product visions and put their whole creative potential to the test. Currently, the “Standard” submission phase is on.

“There are always risks to develop a new product and that every design process is filled with risks”, asserted Prof. Dr. Peter Zec, founder and CEO of the Red Dot Design Award. “That is why designers and companies should have their ideas checked before they invest into their projects. I think a design concept award is the best platform and has the best environment to evaluate the concepts and get fantastic feedback on them. This gives more planning assurance to companies and also to the designers”.

The Red Dot Award: Design Concept accepts all design concepts for products and services that are not yet sold in the market and mass produced for the duration of the call for entries of the award. There are two types of design concepts  that can be submitted for the award: “Concepts” and “Ready To Launch” products.  This differentiation allows the jury to use more appropriate criteria to assess their design attributes in relation to their marketability.

“Concepts” are designs in the early developmental stage. These are ideas or prototypes and will not be made available for the market within the next few months or years. “Ready To Launch” designs are almost or already fully developed products or services. They may have already been announced to the market but are not available for delivery to the market before 2 July 2017.

The “Standard” submission phase is open for “Concepts” and “Ready To Launch” products until 22 March 2017.

Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017

Standard submission period: until 22 March 2017
Late submission period: 23 March 2017 - 24 May 2017

Awarding ceremony: 5 October 2017

Special exhibition: From 6 October 2017 at the Red Dot Design Museum Singapore
Online exhibition: From 6 October 2017 at

» Further information on the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2017