The ANAS Crystalcare cosmetics line incorporates a piece of real Quartz Crystal inside each product, a fact that is reflected by the packing design. Each product name has been placed inside a crystal shape. When united, all of these crystal shapes create the heptagonal form of the company logo. The bottles have also been contoured to reflect this crystal concept, while the design of the boxes follows the idea of gradually unfolding and revealing information about the product. The principle of unfolding culminates in the revelation of the product and the optical heptagonal mechanism.
ANAS, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Anagram Design, Athens, Greece
Creative Direction:
Spyros Grammenos
Bottle Design / Production:
Sebastian Doermann, Daniel Chalabi, Moldplast, Kampas Labros
Soap Design / Production:
Sebastian Doermann, Panadora
Box Printing:
Brand Architecture / Copywriting:
Nicolas Roumeliotis, Dimitra Zakinthinou, Dimitri Spiliotis