Brand Identity Redesign

For the complex visual identity of the Research Council of Norway, a Dubins Path Generator was used to create icons for the various specialised disciplines from randomly connected points on a grid. The result was a generative system that produces dozens of variations with a uniform look.
Client:Forskningsrådet, Oslo, Norway
Design:ANTI, Oslo, Norway
Project Team:ANTI: Kristoffer Eidsnes (Graphic Design) Veronika Artiuschenko (Graphic Design) Markus Storsveen (Graphic Design) Mats Ottdal (Graphic Design) Francesca Miani (Illustrator) Aleksander Rønning (Motion Design) Vivian Ramfjord (Motion Design) Mads Hornsletten (Motion Design) Kim-André Solberg Monsen (Graphic Design) Jennie Klemetsdal (Project Management) Kristin Grimstad (Advisor) Tom André Engli Storsveen (Strategic Advisor)