Poster Series

Gabor Palotai – Zoo

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These art posters were designed in parallel with the book entitled “Zoo”, which explores a new and artistic approach to depicting the animals residing in zoos. Around thirty different animals, including the human being, are portrayed in an abstract manner – entirely deviating from the otherwise lively and colourful images that we are used to seeing in this context. Thus, the animals are depicted with sharply outlined bodies in contrast with a mesmerising pattern in light and dark. This black-and-white pattern results in creating the impression that each animal is etched into the paper in a texture that evokes tactile sensibility. Moreover, the animals seem to be bound to the architectural outer shape of their image, while their bodies are tattooed in undecipherable graphic patterns suggesting that each of them takes on a specific figurative meaning. Overall, this particular graphical appearance turns the single sheets of the poster series into real pieces of art that beholders may interpret freely.

Statement by the Jury

The way in which the figures of the animals in this poster series have been abstracted and simplified is outstanding. It is interesting to see how they manage to successfully convey the mental images we have of those animals through these minimal lines, allowing them to be recognised easily and unmistakably, even from a distance. The beauty, which also emanates from the haptically pleasant texture of the paper, is extraordinary.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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