Cards & Flyers
Theatre Bielefeld Season Cards

These promotional cards were designed for the theatre in Bielefeld in order to enhance its public visibility under the restraints of a limited budget. To achieve the highest possible efficiency, the design makes use of linear illustration in combination with a functionally matched typography. The cards were printed using only one colour. The front of each card showcases one play with title and illustration, while the description of the play, the credits and names of actors, as well as the playing dates are featured on the reverse side.
Client:Theater Bielefeld, Germany
Design:beierarbeit GmbH, Bielefeld, Germany
Graphic Design:Christoph Beier
Production:Torsten Herrmann, TH3, Bielefeld, Germany
Illustration:Henn Kim, Seoul, South Korea, Joni Majer, Saarbrücken, Germany, Robert Richter, Dresden, Germany, Fernando Menéndez Cobelo, Turin, Italy
Creative Direction:Christoph Beier