Manner’s brand identity is based on two historical pillars, the Viennese ori-gin and the close bond to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, also used for the visual logo on the Manner product packaging. The new sound logo expresses the brand identity within a few seconds. It consists of a six-tone melody played in pizzicato style, which gives it a cheerful and delightful air and reactivates the original music of a Manner jingle used in the 1970s, followed by an original recording of the famous “Pummerin” (“Boomer”), the bell of St. Stephen’s Cathedral, to represent the cultural origin of the brand.
Josef Manner & Comp. AG, Vienna, Austria
WESOUND GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Music/Sound Design:
Frank Schimmelpfennig
Strategic Planning:
Cornelius Ringe
Film Production:
Nikolaus Logothetis
Creative Direction:
Carl-Frank Westermann
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