FASTER OCT Imaging System
Portal Telemedicine Headset
Portal Telemedicine Headset is a wearable home telemedicine system that facilitates remote online communication with a doctor. The system comprises of a detachable camera, a stethoscope and an integrated eye camera. A headset format provides functional familiarity and audio privacy but most importantly it offers access to the wealth of high-quality vital data offered by the vascular structure of the ear (via an in-ear pulse oximetry sensor and tympanic thermometer). It is also the ideal platform for an eye camera.
Beyond data collected from individual consultations, the service can integrate data collected from daily wearables or condition-specific device plug-ins such as urine or blood sugar measurement devices. This would enable algorithmic processing in data centres to improve the potential for detection, warning and diagnosis. The Portal Telemedicine Headset is used in combination with an online camera-enabled computer device, with a secure software platform similar to Skype. It also provides an appointment organiser, contact list, prescription issue and medical history file.
Red Dot Award: Design Concept | Concept | Life Science
Design:Jonathan Stewart, United Kingdom